Quick Start Installation and Configuration
Configuration Requirements
Determine the following information for performing the initial configuration.
• NetScaler IP address: The management IP address of the appliance.
• Subnet IP address or Mapped IP address: The IP address used by the appliance to represent the client when communicating with a server.
• Default gateway: The IP address of the router that forwards traffic out of the appliance’s subnet.
• Root password: The root user (nsroot) has full administrative privileges on the appliance. The root password is used to authenticate the root user.
Setting Up Connectivity
Connect the appliance to a management workstation or the network by using the NetScaler configuration utility, the command-line interface (CLI), or the LCD keypad.
Configuration Utility Setup
To set up the appliance by using the configuration utility, you need a management workstation or laptop configured on the same network as the appliance. To run the configuration utility, the Java RunTime Environment (JRE) version 1.4.2_04 or later must be installed on the workstation or laptop.
Note: The Setup Wizard automatically opens upon log on when the appliance is configured with the default IP address, when licenses are not installed on the appliance, and when either the mapped IP address or subnet IP address is not configured.
To configure the NetScaler by using the configuration utility
1. Connect the NetScaler to a management workstation or network.
2. Open a browser and type: Note: The NetScaler is preconfigured with the IP address
3. In User Name, type nsroot.
4. In Password, type nsroot.
5. In the Setup Wizard, click Next and follow the instructions in the wizard.
6. To confirm that the NetScaler is configured correctly, you can either ping the new NetScaler IP address (NSIP) or use the new NSIP to open the configuration utility in a browser.
CLI Setup
To set up the appliance by using the command-line interface (CLI), connect the serial cable to the console port. Access the command line with a terminal or terminal emulator with the following settings:
• Baud rate: 9600
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: None
Log on to the NetScaler with the following credentials:
User name: nsroot
Password: nsroot
To configure the NetScaler by using the NetScaler command line
At the NetScaler command prompt, type:
• set ns config -ipaddress<IPAddress> -netmask<subnetMask>
• add ns ip<IPAddress> <subnetMask> -type<type>
• add route Network<subnetMask> <gateway>
• set system user<userName> <password>
• save ns config
• reboot
LCD Keypad Setup
To set up the appliance by using the LCD keypad on the front panel of the appliance, enter the following initial settings in the following order:
1. Subnet mask
3. Gateway
The NSIP and the default gateway should be on the same subnet. The subnet mask, NSIP, and gateway values are saved in the configuration file. You can then use the NSIP to connect to the appliance remotely. For more information, see the Citrix NetScaler Hardware Installation and Setup Guide at http://support.citrix.com/ article/ CTX132365.